Product variants depending on tree length
Choose the FLINstripes according to the length of your main boom. For example, with two 3M FLINstripes - one on each side - your main boom tarpaulin will be equipped with 200W of solar power. Optimal for maintaining the charge of your on-board batteries.
The FLINstripe
The FLINstripe uses the surface of the tree tarpaulin to generate solar energy and thereby maintain the battery charge. The solar modules are attached to the lazy-bag via Velcro strips and can also be used while sailing. For optimum energy yield, fit both sides of your tree tarpaulin with the FLINstripes to charge your batteries with solar power throughout the day while sailing, in port and at anchor.

FLIN quality
Our solar modules offer first-class efficiency with low weight, high stability and durability thanks to innovative technology.
The solar cells in our solar modules are connected redundantly using multi-busbar technology. The high number of electrical contacts results in lower loads on the individual conductors.
In addition, the solar cells are protected by embedding them in composite layers. The ETFE coating protects the module from the weather and salt water. Despite its flexibility, this ensures high stability, durability and a long service life.
In our tensioned solar systems (FLINsail+, FLINkite+), the cables are also sheathed with Dyneema fibers. This offers optimum protection even under extreme conditions.
We endeavor to source the components for our solar systems in Germany or Europe. Thanks to our own development, production, assembly and testing of each product, we can guarantee high quality and therefore a reliable power supply for your on-board electrical system.

Frequently asked questions
Is your question not listed? Feel free to call us, send a WhatsApp message or an email.
The FLINstripes are designed to be mounted on the lazybag. For this, it is necessary to have your local sailmaker apply a Velcro strap to your sail cover. The relevant dimensions can be found in the FLINstripe technical drawing.
Yes, a charge controller and a suitable connector to the FLINstripe are required. If you have a suitable charge controller and interface, you can connect your FLINstripe. You can find suitable charge controllers for your FLIN product here.
We are happy to advise you and offer a charge controller and connector for your FLINstripe.
We recommend a deck bushing in the area of the mast base. The Philippi deck grommet in combination with our Philippi adapter cable is suitable for this.